Q&A with John Howard - We Don't Run Running Club
In a recent interview for the We Don't Run Running Club team, John Howard provides some insight into what running means to him, how he got into it and more.
How is running therapeutic for you?
A: It allows me to escape. It allows me to completely let go of whatever a day holds and then some. It allows me to be vulnerable in some of my lowest points and some of my highest points.
What’s the longest distance you ever ran without stopping?
A: Haha, that would be the 2019 Chicago Marathon. I ran a complete 26.2 miles in under 4 hours, and just a week before I ran in the Cottage Grove half marathon in the State of Oregon where I PR’d for my fastest half marathon I’ve ever ran.
What got you into running?
A: Growing up in East Chicago, IN. I seen so much happen in my younger years that I needed to clear thoughts and heal from the childhood things I’ve seen at such a young age. I got into running when I was just 7 years old. I ran with some of the greatest runners from Gary Westside, and became part of USATF (United States Track & Field). At that age running become a big part of my childhood, and it has lead to where I am today.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to start running?
A: That would be a hard one to answer, reason being... everybody runs for different purposes. They run to become a better athlete, they run to escape, some run to prove a point, they run to get fit, and some run just because it makes them feel a part of something. So if I think about all the the reasons that people start running, and I find myself fitting each of these descriptions as to why I run. Each of my runs I strive to be a better athlete. Each run I push further and further to escape whatever my day or week holds. Each run I push for faster mile times to prove I still got it! Each run helps me stay consistent to the pavement. Each run helps me become closer to the city and the individuals that surround Indianapolis that love the sport. So my advice to someone who wants to start running... is to find a reason and get moving.
How many races do you participate/compete in per year?
A: I do 35/40 races a year. And that ranges from 5K, 10K, Half’s, Marathons, Trail runs and Summer track events.
How many miles do you run per month?
A: I run a smooth 127 miles a month.
When injuries/fatigue happen, how do you overcome that adversity?
A: As an athlete I’ve learned to completely listen to my body. Every run is different. You’re gonna have your good/bad runs. You just have to to learn to roll with the punches. Fatigue is just a mindset. It’s something that can be overcome. The mind is the your biggest competition. Once you are in tune with focusing on moving forward, the mind will eliminate all negative thoughts.
How often do you change shoes? What's your go to running shoe?
A: How often do I change shoes.. Haha, well that’s hard for someone who buys as many pairs of shoes as I do. I think I change running shoes every 3 races just Bc Nike has so much fire! I sometimes find myself talking to my wife about the next upcoming shoe Nike has coming out in hopes that it will lighten the punch of me just buying a pair last week. And it never does! My go to running shoe is a nice pair of Nike Pegasus. The shoe is the ultimate beginner, intermediate, and expert shoe. You can’t go wrong no matter the foot type, and the styles are endless.
To learn more about Howard and his running journey follow him on Instagram at @lacesnbrews